Monday, 7 April 2014

100 Days Challenge!

We are always looking to change ourselves. Not for people, but for our inner peace of mind. Now I have not really seen anyone do this challenge before let me tell you that. I sort of just thought that we all have dreams and goals so instead of procrastinating,let's just try to achieve all of them. Hence, the 100 day challenge was born. Dan dan daaaaan!! 

Now starting tomorrow, that is 8th April 2014, 100 days will be over on 16th July 2014. During these 100 days, I'll be trying to change myself into a better human being and hopefully it will work out. It's so important that we recognize that there are things which we can do in such a better way. If you are reading this blog you should actually join me in too. It'll be heaps of fun hopefully ^^ 
Now when I say change I do not mean that you have something bad in you. Change over here particularly means that maybe a change in lifestyle, to not fuss over the past and just make our present and future much better. These 100 days are going to make my life more easier,because I know there are so many things I need to look after, my health,being a better daughter/sister/best friend, achieving my dreams and not surrounding myself with negative people.

Anyways here is the exciting bit of today's wallpost. I have finally finished editing the song cover and hopefully it will be up soon after Amanda and I decide whether we like it or not. 

So let the 100 days begin*drum roll*

Love always,

Sunday, 6 April 2014

March Playlist-A Little Late.

Here are my top  songs which were my complete favorites during the month of March. Feel free to share your playlist with me! x

Do You Want To Build A Snowman? :D


Rita Ora-I Will Never Let You Down

Burn-Ellie Goulding

 Calvin Harris ft Ellie Goudling-I Need Your Love

Shane Harper-Rocketship


I hope my playlist is sort of interesting :P I could actually go on and on but then we would need a lifetime :3 


Feeling Un-inpsired[Boo-hoo]-A Little Chat.

Hello everyone. 
So a few days back I had posted about how I would blog-post every single day, starting then. I feel like I just cheated you,if you read my blog. I am super sorry. When you are blogging, you really need to feel inspired and then only can you actually write a great blog-post. Let me just put the fact that I am seventeen and right now I am even stuck with studies. So my whole spring break is like wake-up and study study and give time for the family. That's why I put a blog-post about how I can only blog blog about beauty and other things after the 6th of June. Well right now I am in seriously looking for some inspiration. I do have a blog-post for you all after this one though ^^ 

It's my play-list for the month of March. It's kind off late but oh well. 

Just to make up for the time, I haven't been blogging I'll leave you a photo of me when I was 4. :3 

I can really never keep a straight face while taking a photo to be honest. I have gone through so many photo albums but nooo..not one photo where I have that perfect smile. I just make awkward faces to the camera or I am super duper hyper. Whooopss. That's not really a problem thanks to IG because now I can upload a very silly photo and #Use #Loads #Of #Hashtags #Whoops.

#With #Love #,

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Hello everyone. It's been a long time since I have actually blog-posted or checked any of my social websites. Exams are literally taking over my life and turning me into a zombie.
(Give me coffee or give me death I say!) I am finally on a proper spring break. All my extra classes are over and now I need to focus on my exams. How-ever that doesn't mean that I am abandoning my blog. Well for the next 11-12 days I'll be doing loads of postings. Anything related to beauty,life,cooking or anything. It's going to be on the blog. So brace yourselves my might minions (hahah that's pretty clever isn't it?) Periwinkle is back in action. 

Not only blogging but our youtube channel is under process too. Amanda and I have great covers for you people. 

Hopefully these 11 days will be great.
Loads of love,
Zarniish x

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


After months and months blogging about the whole exams are coming thing they are finally here. 
Now I am not excited about it. No. I just know that these exams are really important for me and my future uni life Insha'Allah ^^

Now my exams start from 16th of March and then end on 26th of March. I will have spring vacation and then the 2nd day after the spring break I'll have my mocks. Then there will be my IGCSEs. The list is so looonggg. So for the next few months all I have is exams, exams,exams. Looking at the plus point. Just to put it out there, I will have a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg summer break and that means you'll be getting loads and loads of blog-posts.

It's so sad that I have to quit so many of my favorite things for the exams. Of-course, during Spring Break I will try posting some few things because I have some very brilliant ideas :3 
Hope everything stays well at your end.

Zarniish x

Friday, 7 March 2014

Saturday Chats: Emotional Roller-coasters.

Hello everyone.This is basically the 8th time I am starting this post because I am not sure how to put this on a blog-post. No I am pregnant or planning to elope with my non existent boyfriend thank you very much. Usually I always try to blog about fashion and beauty as much as I can, but since the whole last week was a roller coaster ride. I had my IGCSE result for English coming and the whole week was just so frustrating. Thank God, I got them on Thursday and I secured a B. I am now a happy camper. All this stress made me realise that, we as human beings go through various emotions. How-ever there are a few emotions which break a person.

For example anxiety. Those who have anxiety (including myself) have to always be careful not to trigger panic attacks. I mean this week I found myself panicking and crying just for my result. This is just one subject and when she announced my result I had a fit of crying as-well. Who-ever suffers from anxiety would already be aware of the panic attacks and how we are hesitant to leave our houses to go out with friends. Due to that I miss on a lot of hang outs with my friends and it kind off makes me sad because these are suppose to be the years which I am suppose to make memories.I have finally decided not to let anxiety come and ruin my teenage life. Time to boot up.

You are insecure dunno what for. Yes that's a line from the One Direction song-What Makes You Beautiful. Every one has some or the other insecurities. Weight loss, being lonely, heart broken. But sometimes people go crazy with these insecurities. Like if you are thin you have to know that you are thin. Don't go around telling people you are fat. I mean that's really rubbish, because you never know maybe because of your insecurities you are hurting someone else who might not be figure conscious.

And people please, stop going around telling people whether they are fat or what. That's not nice that's stupid. Even as a joke. Trust me you don't need a photo of a celebrity with the quote written to tell you that.
That is pretty obvious.
Then we have bullying. If you are a bully, well you need to stop now. Bullying whether in school or cyber bullying is just wrong. It leads to self harm. Do you want to be the reason 
why some cuts himself/herself?

Of-course not. Imagine living with that guilt forever? That is not something anyone should have to go to.
I hope this post makes you do things differently from now.
Zarniish xx

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Food For Thought Friday: Chocolate Cake

Hello everyone. This week was full of tension because I was getting my English results but thank God it all worked out well.

We all get these random food cravings. Nachos, ice-cream,pizza and the mouth watering chocolate cake.
Here is a recipe for a delicious chocolate cake which we have been using forever.


6 oz self raising flour.
Pinch Salt
4oz butter
1tbsp golden syrup
Castor sugar to sprinkle
2 oz chocolate powder
2 eggs
4 oz sugar
Milk to mix-if necessary.


Grease and line a 7 inch cake tin. Sieve flour,chocolate powder and salt together. Beat the eggs well and cream the butter and sugar. Add eggs and dry ingredients alternately to the creamed mixture. After all flour is added, add the syrup and milk ( milk is to be added only if it is necessary to make your mixture to a soft spoon dropping consistency.
Put in the middle of a moderately hot oven (400 F or the number 6 in your gas burner) for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. To check if it is well done put a toothpick or skewer in the middle. If it comes out clean that means your cake is ready to go.

Cool the cake before pulling it out of the tin and then invite a couple of friends eat cake and let me know how it turned out to be xx

Zarnish xx

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Food For Thought:Potato Salad.

 Ola Amigos!
Today has been full of posts. I am very happy about that.  I was going through some of the ideas in my blog book, when I came across this sentence which said "write about recipes". Bingo I thought. I love food. It would be lovely to share some of the recipes I have already tried.

Just for the record since this was pretty spur of the moment, I don't have any photos of the final product. Next time I'll plan it and share loads of photos. Pinky Promise.

Here's the recipe for a delicious potato salad.

  1. 3 potatoes of medium size
  2. 1 cup shredded carrots
  3. 1 cup shredded cucumber
  4. 1 bunch of spring onions
  5. 3 eggs boiled
  6. 6-7 mint leaves 
Cut the boiled potatoes into cubes,add carrots and cucumber. Cut the boiled eggs into bite size pieces. Add salt and pepper alongside the spring onion and mint leaves with it. Mix it with some mayonnaise.  Toss the salad. Serve it cold and with a big smile! xx


50th blogpost-

YAYAYAYA. Yeah that's pretty much it ;3 Haha :3

Spring Make-up: What's in what's out!

Winter is nearly over and spring is here again! xx

Time to jazz up our spring make-up looks. If you think that spring is all about the rosy cheeks and curly hair with nude make-up is in. Think again. It's all out. Well not all of it but the whole but the whole let's have light make-up on theme is long gone. 

So empty your make-up bags it's time to replace some things and bring bold back in the line.

Here are a few tips for spring make-up from the fashion week.

Orange Lipstick

Orange lipstick has made a comeback. Dondondooonnnn.
It made a massive comeback in this years fashion show where in companies like DKNY,Maybelline,Rag & Bones were all playing up the orange lipstick shade.
Trust me orange lip-color can be used on any skin tone. I would recommend the Maybelline Color Sensation Matte in the color Electric Orange 880 You can even look for the Mandarine shade which is the color 885. It's a great color by what I have read so far. Definitely going to hope into shops looking for it.

Here are some snaps:


 Blue eyeshadow

In the fashion show, Marc By Marc Jacobs models wore a stunning blue eye shadow on their crease and lids. We all know that in 2012/2013 the solid pink eyes did not work but after a while they did make a great impact.
So this year blue is replacing the pink. It's safe to say that blue is the new pink in this case.

If you are going to try the blue look, you might look for Shiseido Eye Color Bar Compact and the Shiseido Shimmering Cream Eye Color in Ice. It will not disappoint you. If you do not want to buy high end products just ask the drug store to give you ice blue and shimmering blue in the companies you purchase often.

Gold Eyes.

As weird as it sounds, yes gold eyes are in. For this I would highly recommend for you to check out Beauty Sensation Tanya Burr's video on her spring look, where in she shows you how to achieve the gold eyes without having to buy products. In her video she has created her all spring look. Don't forget recently Tanya Burr also released her own line of makeup products which you can buy online. 
Here is the link to her video

Here is where you can purchase her products.

 Cat Eyes.
The eye liner and flick are back this season. The perfect smokey eyes and smouldering effects are in this spring.
If you are new to eye liners then you should try the felt tip liner. Other than that to get this effect you do not need to buy high end products any liquid/felt eye liner is fine.

Purchase the Naked Basic Eye has your basic colors and you can create a lot of the basic effects aswell.

So this is it for my Spring MakeUp In post. 
Hope you had fun reading as I did writing this post. Loads of love.

PS-None of these photos are mine. They have been taken from the websites..just to make the post clear.
Sorry x

Friday, 28 February 2014

For the love of lipcolors.

Bloggin' Saturday is here. And here is my new blogpost amigos!

Lipsticks are of all kinds. You have matte,sheer,gloss,long wearing and we can go on about them. Most of the time people say that they choose their lipcolor by looking at what they were. That's not entirely wrong but you should always avoid wearing lip colors that match with your clothes a lot. 

This blogpost is about how to choose or buy a lip color. I personally love matte lipsticks alot. Especially if it's a bold color. 

Meet my lipstick family!
Don' you love good camera quality? xx
When buying lip color always ask for a sample and swatch it on your skin because you'll know whether it suites your skin or not.

Red and pink are basic lip colors so if you are trying lip color for the first time first try getting those shades.

Berry lips never go out of season.

If you are wearing a bold shade of lip color do not go with dramatic eyes.

Always experiment while buying lip colors. Don't have the same colors. Go for red,petal pink,orange,berry. There are just so many choices to spoil yourself with.

I will have a spring make-up post up in a while and according to fashion magazines orange lips are in season. So why not try it? 


A Small Message.

This blog-post is something very spur of the moment actually. It's just a small message. It's been two months since I started this blog. I am very happy with it. My own little place to write every now and then about beauty,my baby brother or just a random blog-post. it's very satisfying to have something like this it's like your online journal.

The main point of this blog-post is not about telling how I am  happy with my blog but it is sort of a request. I want to learn more about make-up. Techniques,different brushes and all there is that I can pick up. I know the basics, the foundation,shades of lipstick , concealer and what not. I want to take it to a whole new level.

I have seen many beauty bloggers who are far better than me because I still haven't really blossomed into the whole beauty writing and picture posting part of my blog. Mainly, I am scared to give you the wrong way of doing it. I know my basics and I am sure you probably learnt them too. It would be very nice if some beauty gurus could give me some help with my beauty learning. That's all

With loads of love
Zarnish xx

Goodbye Feb! Hello March.

Ola amigos!
February has gone by in the blink of the eye.
This month has been great. There were so many exciting things happening. Of-course there are always ups and downs to a situation of-course. Anyways heartbreak doesn't last forever.

My brother turned one month in Feb. I made loads of new friends and my knowledge of beauty and fashion increased. Loads of fun events also took place like our annual sports meet. It will be my last sports meet because I complete school this year. Cheers to the uni life next year Insha'Allah.

Now that Feb is over and March is on the way, I hope things go swell.

Loads of new love and beginnings.
Zarnish xx

Thursday, 27 February 2014

First Blogpost for today: Style Icon and Smurf.

Dresses,hairstyles,make-up. Life as a  blogger doesn't really come to an end here. I am a massive tea addict as-well. Recently one of my friend's asked me that if you had to describe your style in one word what would you say.

My one word would of-course be comfortable. I think if you choose something to wear and you are not comfortable with it, there are very little chances of pulling it off.

 Never dress because of peer pressure. Dress to love yourself. Self neglect is more of a sin than self love.

In the words of London Tipton ( DISNEY REFERENCE *snaps fingers*) I am attracted to anything that sparkles. I like colors which are subtle yet they get the attraction of other people.

The person who inspires my clothing sense is none other than 
* drum roll*

Taylor Swift.

Yes yes. I know. The one who has a bad dating history. Let's not point fingers now.

I find her sense of style really admirable. Whether it is her curly hair, southern chick with a guitar and dream look or whether she straightens her hair and applies red lipstick.
There is a fashion blog for her on tumblr aswell.
( feel free to check it out here:

Who can forget her beautiful bangs? I mean look at this photo of her from the MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto last year.

She was spotted wearing a bandage dress by Hervé Léger. She surely knows how to accessorize aswell.

I think Taylor is one of those people, who know what they can pull of. Her style is a mix and match of comfy and Southern chick look. Not only is her style great but she is also a great artist.
Here listen to some of her songs

I am going to make sure that one of my wall posts includes her curls and the bold red lipstick. Would you love that?
Lemme know! xx


A thousand apologies and an annoucement.

Hello everyone!

A thousand apologies for not being very up-to-date with my work. I have mentioned this a gazillion times, but again I am busy with studies and I have a massive announcement. I won't be blog-posting for a while. It's going to be 1st of March on Saturday, leaving me with only 2 months till my exams. Forget that I still have to finish of 2nd term examination and mocks in April. That means I have to tie my hair,lace my boots and prepare for this battle with the books. It's very important for me to do well in these exams because only if i get good grades will I be able to go to a university and pursue my career choices.

You know how it is rolls. It hurts me to stop blogging for a brief while, but I assure you that I will try to take out time to draft my articles so when I return on my blog account I will have loads of fun posts for you.

Now I am secretly praying that during my exams I'll have time to post once in a blue moon so that my blog doesn't seem empty because it's quite fun working on the blog. I am hopefully going to ask my best friend to join me on my blog. We'll still call it Periwinkle but we'll have a new member to the family.

Today I am planning on uploading two blogposts. One which will be about all the fashion/glam events that took place in Feb. 
Second on my fashion inspiration.

Till then take care and spread the love xx

Saturday, 22 February 2014

How it all began-- A Periwinkle Story.

Hello Everyone! 
How are you all doing?

I hope everyone is doing well. So it's finally here. Blogpost Saturdays. Like I had tweeted a week back from today, that I will blog only on Saturdays, this way it can be easier for me to manage my life with the blogposts.

I always review my blog-posts to make sure they don't go flopping down due to my anxiety issues. Today I thought instead of reviewing a product or writing about how I am burdened with work, I would have a little reader-friendly blog-post instead.

Since I write under a username, I know I am not very open about who I am or where I am from.

So let's get to know each other?

My name is Zarnish, and my blog is called Periwinkle. Periwinkle happens to be my favorite shade of purple as well as I love the flower. Now Periwinkle didn't just come out of no-where. It was quite an unsure idea though. I have been trying to start a blog forever. It was always a thing inside me to have my own corner, without someone to impress or for a grade. Periwinkle is my little world, where I just post about all the random things. Mainly beauty,fashion and a bit of lifestyle.

I am originally from Lahore, Pakistan but I have been raised in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. I am seventeen doing my O'levels this year. I am studying business. I am more of your tomboy kind of person. The only reason I ever got into the whole beauty thing was because I absolutely loved reading about it.

I have always collected clips from the newspapers and magazines and honestly I have  a whole bunch of magazines in my cupboard which have everything about beauty and make-up. 

I think of make-up as a way of art. It's one way of being your own artist. You get in touch with people because many of them share the same interests.

So that's pretty much it. For this blog-post I mean. I have a few coming today. xx
Not on the same time though 

Hope you have a great day 

*Note to self. Stop using "xx" everywhere :3


Monday, 17 February 2014

Mid week random blogging.

If you haven't found out already! I got accepted by etailPR. Now they will help my blog expand. This is brilliant news because I love my blog. I hope to do more things on it regularly xx

It's basically Monday and not really Midweek but I thought I would blog anyways. Tomorrow is our dress rehearsals in school and it's going to be tiring.

Luckily I don't have any work and all I need to do is learn how to actually wear a tie. Yes a tie because that's a part of our dance costumes. Well well on the other hand..I have so much going on lately. I have had my heart broken and for the past two days I have been completely miserable. Well now I didn't have a boyfriend but the boy I like, might like someone else and that is pretty heartbreaking.

Oh well, we will get over that. I'll be with my best friend forever, pizza! xx
PS-On Wednesday and Thursday I might have a little surprise for you all. MIGHT.
Take care xx

Saturday, 15 February 2014

NYX HD Studio Foundation Review by Periwinkle

Third wall post for the day! 
Hello again!

I know it's not important for me to blog every minute but I am finally getting organized.  I am officially declaring Saturday--writing blog post day. That gives me a whole week to bundle up blog-posts and then post them here. Pretty fantastic, I must say.

You must have read the title and you already know that this is going to be a review.
It's been long since I did a proper review so here it goes:

The product I am reviewing about is the NYX  HD STUDIO PHOTOGENIC FOUNDATION.
I know, being from Pakistan it is hard to find a proper foundation suiting your color. Esp me because I have like a mix of skin color. It's wheatish-brownish kind. I always look forward to getting something more easier to use and that will blend easily on my face.

Now HD foundations are not everyone's choice. I mean it wasn't mine either. I rummage through a lot of my lovely mommy's thing and came across this puppy. The color is 04 Sand Beige. I know being Asian that a lot of people use a foundation, but it doesn't blend that well with their skin. You can see it clearly and the finishing is not quite right.

In my previous 50 facts about me post I wrote about how I don't use any other foundation except Max Factor but now  I can gladly say that this wasn't a disappointing product. This is my first time using cream foundation and I am definitely going to get another one soon. It gives your skin a photogenic look. Using it even reduced my pores. It even rejuvenates your skin. Highly recommend this if you are looking for a new foundation. The best part is only applying a drop covers a massive area. I am now just going to sit and stare at my face. ( I am not creepy)
This is love.


50 Facts About PeriwinkleZee


Here is the first promised blog post of today

  1.  My real name is Zarnish. 
  2.  My zodiac sign is Leo. That isn't really a crazy fact but oh well :P
  3.  My favorite color is blue, but not all kinds of blue. I like sky blue to be very exact.
  4.  I am not a fan of meat. I am more of the vegetable person. Mainly because I am scared of the bones in chicken and other meats.
  5. I have 4 younger siblings. Aged 16,14,11, and a month old respectively.
  7. I have never had spaghetti and meatballs. 
  8. I listen to a lot of music. Like while doing homework, while running on the treadmill, even while straightening my hair.
  9. I have cut my hair since 2011.
  10. I am taller than my mum.
  11. I turn 18 this summer. That means I get my driver's permit. They see me rollin' they hatin'
  12. I suffer from anxiety. That is one of the reasons why I do not like going outside. It's sort off frustrates me.
  13. I looooooooooooooooooooooooove reading books. I always have to have a book to read.
  14. My favorite word currently is brosif.
  15. I love dressing up people and doing make-up.
  16. I have a whole little notebook where I draft my blogposts before publishing them.
  17. I love hoodies and on a normal day, you will find my hair in a bun, reading
  18. I have had glasses since I was in grade 6. I do not want to wear contacts because I am sure I'll poke  my eye.
  19. I happen to be a very big neat freak. I clean my cupboard and drawers every now and then.
  20. I love The Hunger Games,The Divergent Series and all John Green books.
  21. My favorite quote  from The Fault In Our Stars is 'That's the thing about pain, Hazel Grace, it demands to be felt.'
  22. I am a big sucker for romantic movies. I cry on them a lot. I don't care what anyone says. I'll cry and cry.
  23. I only us foundation from Max Factor. Not because I hate all the other brands because I am just too lazy to find my color in another brand :P
  24. I have a big thing for lip balms. I need to have it where-ever I go.
  25. I love coffee. I need it everyday. There is basically no way you can stop my addiction to coffee.
  26. I am very protective about family. I am a family person. I cherish all the memories with them
  27. My favorite movie is Cheaper By The Dozen. Part One and Two. I just have to watch it every time it's on television
  28. Pizza is my favorite junk food.
  29. I have a thing for cooking.
  30. Don't judge me,but I do not like nutella a lot. I really dunno why.
  31. I keep a journal. I write everything in it. I pour my heart out on it literally. Every page reveals a little bit of my personality
  32. I am SCARED of cats, birds and even insects that fly.
  33. I have a very good memory. Like very good memory. I can remember things when I was 5 or 6.
  34. I have always wanted to get my hair done properly.
  35. I find people who eat with their mouths open very annoying. Esp when in public. I do not appreciate people wasting food.
  36. I want to help the under-previleged.
  37. I have self harmed myself when times got tough. Please do not do that.
  38. I didn't start using conditioner until last September.
  39. I still watch Disney and will always do.
  40. My favorite beauty bloggers are PixiWoos,Tanya Burr,Michelle Phan.
  41. When I grow up, I want to take my family to a tour of Europe.
  42. My dad is my biggest hero. I owe everything to him. I love you papa xx
  43. I am more of a lipstick person rather than lip gloss person
  44. I love finding more about make-up and interior designing.
  45. If all goes well I would love to be an interior designer.
  46. I am terrible at maths. Like I am the kind of person who can end up writing 2+2 is 5.
  47. I am  a massive The Wanted fan. I love them. 
  48. I would love to adopt a dog in the future.
  49. I happen to get a sugar rush very fast.
  50. I will sleep with the fan on even if it's freezing cold outside. The noise the fan makes soothes me. I am not weird.
This is it for the 50 facts about me post.
Tell me about yourself? xx

Friday, 14 February 2014

Valentine's Day Selfie and what not.


So the day of love is over, did you spend it with your loved ones? Apart from the fact that it was Valentine's day, my baby brother turned one yesterday. All the little joys of life which you should share with different people. Today I promise I have two amazing blog posts planned. One for Spring Make-Up. What's in this spring and what's out. The other one is a 50 crazy facts about me post. Well this could get interesting. Yesterday, finally after ages I dressed up a bit and took a pretty good selfie. I am really proud of that.

What I am wearing:

A chunky knit high neck sweater from H&M's
I have no accessories on because I wear gold ear-rings which my mom bought for my sister and I when I was like in grade 2. I wear them everyday. Like I can't even take it off.
I was wearing black jeans,which I bought from a random store ages ago.


I am wearing my eye liner which is actually a regular one, we wear. It's from Rimmel. I have nothing on my face ( facially naked. GAAAAAAH.)
I don't have anyting on my lips but when I took the photo, my lips decided to become Edward Cullen.

Tell me what are your valentine day picks? 

Love xx


Thursday, 13 February 2014

A little here and there.

The weekend is here and I couldn't be happier. I just realised most of my posts start with the weekend arriving, but to be very frank lovebugs that's all the time I have to give blogging.

Fear not I am planning great posts for the weekend. I have actually decided to finish all my school work today. I don't know how that's going to happen but it will. Pinky promise.

My week in a few words:

This week has been rather tiring. Every passing day I realize that OMG I am giving my O'levels in a few months and then I am looking forward to my 6th March results for the English exam I gave earlier. I am so tense. Like I think about it everyday. 

As you all know tomorrow is 14th Feb. The Day Of Love. Are you spending it with a loved one? 
Hope you are! Tomorrow my baby brother turns 1 month old. The joy I experience watching him, there is nothing greater than that. Today finally I got to run on the treadmill. Like I can't tell you how happy I am. I find exercise a way to calm myself.

Yaay me!

Stay tuned for more! xx
Spotting the pony look. Pretty classy.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Hey Hey!

Hello! How are you all doing? I haven't posted in a while because of-course I am way busy studying nowadays. I am even reading this fab book called A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. I feel like that book expresses all that a woman has to go through in her life. Life isn't all the glitz and glamor we think it is. In regions like Afghanistan a woman who might be 15 is married to someone who is nearly twice as old as her.

I would highly recommend you to read the book. I am not well and I need to sleep now so cheerios xx

This weekend will be full of posts..I promise xx

Saturday, 8 February 2014

GoodBye Weekend, Hello School!

Waazaa you lovely people?
For the first time in weeks I don't have an assessment tomorrow. Finally,because most of my weekends end up with the whole let's learn for assessment. 
It's a lovely Saturday! Today my baby brother was pouting a little. Trying to be all adorable and melt my heart into a puddle *sigh

Something is moving in my blanket. Is it a bird or an insect? Just kidding that's my lil baby feet.  
That caption is too big isn't it?
Flu updates- I have finally started to get my voice back and my nose is way better than before. I hate flu. Makes me all miserable and cranky.

Today my dad made me drink tea with honey..and wow it does taste brilliant. Need to have more of those.
I basically had a good workout whilst cleaning the house because the maid had called in sick and we can not have the house dusty with the baby in the house.

He will be a month old on 14th Feb. Valentines day. Such a lovely coincidence. See what I did there? :P

I have wonderful ideas for a few blogposts later.
I just realised that it's Feb now and then March April May June, I'll be done with my O'level examinations and it will be a long summer break for me. I am going to miss the people in our school. *emotional moment*

I have been listening to a lot of covers lately on youtube. Today I found a very creative one

This is pretty darn creative if you ask me

I have loads of things going in my mind with the blog and other projects our on their way Insha'Allah :)xx

So this is it for today! 
If you haven't checked out my friend's cover for You and I here go have a look!

Friday, 7 February 2014

Sick Weekend--

Don't go for the title thinking that I had a major blast this weekend. I didn't. Today was completely not productive. It was just me, tissues,sniffles and loads of homework. I haven't even done half of my work.

Remember, I had posted about the secret project my friend and I have been working on? Well guess what, you can now see that secret project on YouTube! My friend Amanda who is a great singer, sang half the song You and I by One Direction. I'll link it below :) I editted it into a lyric video.Make sure you check it out! Show us some love!

Today, I was flipping through the magazine pages and I came across something from The Body Shop which I want to try. I have mainly oily-combination skin. The product that is in The Body Shop is called Mineral Powder Blotting Tissues. Now Mineral Powder gives your skin more of a natural look, without it looking like a powder cake, which I believe is lovely. When you use mineral make up be careful because it adjusts itself to the oils of your face. Be sure you wash your face and moisturize it. If your skin is too dry it will not blend in to your skin and it will just look like you ate a sugar donut.

Now I have done a little bit of research on them and the The Body Shop Website says that it suitable for all skin types. Just incase you have purchased it please let me know how it is. It costs 35 dhs in the UAE and around $10 in the US.

Hope you all are having a lovely day/night which is cold free.
Loads Of Love. xx

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


It's been so long since I blogged. Now it's of course not because of the whole studying thing. I have got the sniffles makes it so hard for me to even sleep. I apparently have fever and everything is miserable. I can not wait for the weekend. Forgive me my lovelies xx

Tell me how's your week going?

Saturday, 1 February 2014

A Productive Weekend

                                                                    OLA AMIGOS!
How are you all doing?

So it's first of Feb. That means fitness Feb has begun. I need all the luck I can get.
This weekend has been pretty productive. My friend and I have been working on some top secret project which has been coming out well. You'll get to know about it soon. * hush hush*

I hope so

I have started to look at things in a more positive manner in the past  few days. Weekend is over. That is so sad ;C School tomorrow x_x. Now I am pretty focused on my goals of studying well,being fit and admiring the things around me. For instance we miss out all the beauty of nature because we are so instead of cribbing about things I plan to give my attention to people I love and to achieve my dreams.

I even wanted to say I won't be posting a lot till June 6th. Today is the first of Feb, this means that I have only around4 months till my O'level exams. These are so important. So I really need to focus on them. However, this doesn't mean that I will completely vanish  from my blog and never look at it again. I am making a whole time-table focusing on the how to divide my time between studying,blogging and out so called secret mission. I can't wait to share it with you people! :)

Hope you all have a great day 

Friday, 31 January 2014

Fitness February--

Second wall post for the day. Am I on the roll or what? So when 2014 began I had written a blog post about how I want to lose weight. For a while I was really focused. Then there was so much stress that food became my best friend again. Now that January has ended I have mustered up all the strength to give it a go once more. I like to call it Fitness February. I came up with it on the bus ride from school. Tomorrow is the first of February. I am pretty focused on the while weight loss thing. I want to make it more of an achievement. From tomorrow it's no to all the junk and hello to clean eating. I need all the luck. You can be my fitness buddy..if yes leave me a comment below? :) xx

I don't want to end this post with so little written. I have actually agreed to do our O'level dance on our sports day on 21st Feb. I mean dancing? me? how about no ._., but since it is my last year in school, so let's make some memories! :D

What are you upto?

Only Half A Blue Sky-Some January Favourites


January went by the blink of the eye and it finally occurred to me that this is 2014. As you all know January was a great month for me and my family. We had a beautiful little addition on January 14th and we all couldn't be happier. I can't even thank God enough for all the blessings. It's really important we identify what is important and what shouldn't be giving attention like someone saying something mean about you. That's pretty shizzle and you should never keep thinking about it.

I didn't get to go out that much this time or buy any products because my baby brother is just two weeks old and my mum needs all the rest she can get. There are a few things that I really loved this month. Actually they are just three but as they say less is more. When I am going out, just for a while I only apply a little mascara, some lip balm and lip color and go sorta without any foundation..depending on how I am feelin'. It's kinda scary I know.

Here are the products I would give a thumbs up for the month of January.

The first one is the Rimmel London Scandal Eyes Mascara. Trust me like the website says this massive. The brush is 50 times the size of a regular mascara no kidding. The bright orange color attracts the eye. I know the reason I bought it was because it was very vibrant looking.  It's available in black and extreme black. I got it from Lifestyle. You should definitely give this a try.

Something I really like is that because the brush is bigger it gives your eyes a great effect and there was absolutely no clumping eye lashes. We all know that is a problem with most mascaras, the brush clumps the eye lashes. This one is different. I assure you that.

Go check out the other things you could find in Lifestyle 

The second and third thing I fell in love with are two lip colors. One is from L'oreal Paris and the other one from Rimmel London :3 What can I say I am obsessed with these brands. 
The color from Rimmel London is number 242 and it's called Fudge Brownie. Let's be honest those two words are always good together, whether for the yummy dessert or this amazin' lip color. I personally love the color when I have to go's not attention grabbing and it gives your lips more of the natural look. Especially if you have the same skin tone as mine.

The other color I bought was the L'Oreal Paris 102 Color Riche and it is called Praline Beige. How awkward is it that bought my lip colors are named after something yummy. Good job L'Oreal and Rimmel. 

If you feel a little girly, you should go for this color. Days when I decide I want to feel a little cheerful and I want to be confident I definitely use this color.

 So this is it for this post amigos!
Hope you have a great weekend
Cheerios xx