Saturday, 15 February 2014

50 Facts About PeriwinkleZee


Here is the first promised blog post of today

  1.  My real name is Zarnish. 
  2.  My zodiac sign is Leo. That isn't really a crazy fact but oh well :P
  3.  My favorite color is blue, but not all kinds of blue. I like sky blue to be very exact.
  4.  I am not a fan of meat. I am more of the vegetable person. Mainly because I am scared of the bones in chicken and other meats.
  5. I have 4 younger siblings. Aged 16,14,11, and a month old respectively.
  7. I have never had spaghetti and meatballs. 
  8. I listen to a lot of music. Like while doing homework, while running on the treadmill, even while straightening my hair.
  9. I have cut my hair since 2011.
  10. I am taller than my mum.
  11. I turn 18 this summer. That means I get my driver's permit. They see me rollin' they hatin'
  12. I suffer from anxiety. That is one of the reasons why I do not like going outside. It's sort off frustrates me.
  13. I looooooooooooooooooooooooove reading books. I always have to have a book to read.
  14. My favorite word currently is brosif.
  15. I love dressing up people and doing make-up.
  16. I have a whole little notebook where I draft my blogposts before publishing them.
  17. I love hoodies and on a normal day, you will find my hair in a bun, reading
  18. I have had glasses since I was in grade 6. I do not want to wear contacts because I am sure I'll poke  my eye.
  19. I happen to be a very big neat freak. I clean my cupboard and drawers every now and then.
  20. I love The Hunger Games,The Divergent Series and all John Green books.
  21. My favorite quote  from The Fault In Our Stars is 'That's the thing about pain, Hazel Grace, it demands to be felt.'
  22. I am a big sucker for romantic movies. I cry on them a lot. I don't care what anyone says. I'll cry and cry.
  23. I only us foundation from Max Factor. Not because I hate all the other brands because I am just too lazy to find my color in another brand :P
  24. I have a big thing for lip balms. I need to have it where-ever I go.
  25. I love coffee. I need it everyday. There is basically no way you can stop my addiction to coffee.
  26. I am very protective about family. I am a family person. I cherish all the memories with them
  27. My favorite movie is Cheaper By The Dozen. Part One and Two. I just have to watch it every time it's on television
  28. Pizza is my favorite junk food.
  29. I have a thing for cooking.
  30. Don't judge me,but I do not like nutella a lot. I really dunno why.
  31. I keep a journal. I write everything in it. I pour my heart out on it literally. Every page reveals a little bit of my personality
  32. I am SCARED of cats, birds and even insects that fly.
  33. I have a very good memory. Like very good memory. I can remember things when I was 5 or 6.
  34. I have always wanted to get my hair done properly.
  35. I find people who eat with their mouths open very annoying. Esp when in public. I do not appreciate people wasting food.
  36. I want to help the under-previleged.
  37. I have self harmed myself when times got tough. Please do not do that.
  38. I didn't start using conditioner until last September.
  39. I still watch Disney and will always do.
  40. My favorite beauty bloggers are PixiWoos,Tanya Burr,Michelle Phan.
  41. When I grow up, I want to take my family to a tour of Europe.
  42. My dad is my biggest hero. I owe everything to him. I love you papa xx
  43. I am more of a lipstick person rather than lip gloss person
  44. I love finding more about make-up and interior designing.
  45. If all goes well I would love to be an interior designer.
  46. I am terrible at maths. Like I am the kind of person who can end up writing 2+2 is 5.
  47. I am  a massive The Wanted fan. I love them. 
  48. I would love to adopt a dog in the future.
  49. I happen to get a sugar rush very fast.
  50. I will sleep with the fan on even if it's freezing cold outside. The noise the fan makes soothes me. I am not weird.
This is it for the 50 facts about me post.
Tell me about yourself? xx

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