Wednesday, 12 March 2014


After months and months blogging about the whole exams are coming thing they are finally here. 
Now I am not excited about it. No. I just know that these exams are really important for me and my future uni life Insha'Allah ^^

Now my exams start from 16th of March and then end on 26th of March. I will have spring vacation and then the 2nd day after the spring break I'll have my mocks. Then there will be my IGCSEs. The list is so looonggg. So for the next few months all I have is exams, exams,exams. Looking at the plus point. Just to put it out there, I will have a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg summer break and that means you'll be getting loads and loads of blog-posts.

It's so sad that I have to quit so many of my favorite things for the exams. Of-course, during Spring Break I will try posting some few things because I have some very brilliant ideas :3 
Hope everything stays well at your end.

Zarniish x

Friday, 7 March 2014

Saturday Chats: Emotional Roller-coasters.

Hello everyone.This is basically the 8th time I am starting this post because I am not sure how to put this on a blog-post. No I am pregnant or planning to elope with my non existent boyfriend thank you very much. Usually I always try to blog about fashion and beauty as much as I can, but since the whole last week was a roller coaster ride. I had my IGCSE result for English coming and the whole week was just so frustrating. Thank God, I got them on Thursday and I secured a B. I am now a happy camper. All this stress made me realise that, we as human beings go through various emotions. How-ever there are a few emotions which break a person.

For example anxiety. Those who have anxiety (including myself) have to always be careful not to trigger panic attacks. I mean this week I found myself panicking and crying just for my result. This is just one subject and when she announced my result I had a fit of crying as-well. Who-ever suffers from anxiety would already be aware of the panic attacks and how we are hesitant to leave our houses to go out with friends. Due to that I miss on a lot of hang outs with my friends and it kind off makes me sad because these are suppose to be the years which I am suppose to make memories.I have finally decided not to let anxiety come and ruin my teenage life. Time to boot up.

You are insecure dunno what for. Yes that's a line from the One Direction song-What Makes You Beautiful. Every one has some or the other insecurities. Weight loss, being lonely, heart broken. But sometimes people go crazy with these insecurities. Like if you are thin you have to know that you are thin. Don't go around telling people you are fat. I mean that's really rubbish, because you never know maybe because of your insecurities you are hurting someone else who might not be figure conscious.

And people please, stop going around telling people whether they are fat or what. That's not nice that's stupid. Even as a joke. Trust me you don't need a photo of a celebrity with the quote written to tell you that.
That is pretty obvious.
Then we have bullying. If you are a bully, well you need to stop now. Bullying whether in school or cyber bullying is just wrong. It leads to self harm. Do you want to be the reason 
why some cuts himself/herself?

Of-course not. Imagine living with that guilt forever? That is not something anyone should have to go to.
I hope this post makes you do things differently from now.
Zarniish xx

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Food For Thought Friday: Chocolate Cake

Hello everyone. This week was full of tension because I was getting my English results but thank God it all worked out well.

We all get these random food cravings. Nachos, ice-cream,pizza and the mouth watering chocolate cake.
Here is a recipe for a delicious chocolate cake which we have been using forever.


6 oz self raising flour.
Pinch Salt
4oz butter
1tbsp golden syrup
Castor sugar to sprinkle
2 oz chocolate powder
2 eggs
4 oz sugar
Milk to mix-if necessary.


Grease and line a 7 inch cake tin. Sieve flour,chocolate powder and salt together. Beat the eggs well and cream the butter and sugar. Add eggs and dry ingredients alternately to the creamed mixture. After all flour is added, add the syrup and milk ( milk is to be added only if it is necessary to make your mixture to a soft spoon dropping consistency.
Put in the middle of a moderately hot oven (400 F or the number 6 in your gas burner) for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. To check if it is well done put a toothpick or skewer in the middle. If it comes out clean that means your cake is ready to go.

Cool the cake before pulling it out of the tin and then invite a couple of friends eat cake and let me know how it turned out to be xx

Zarnish xx

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Food For Thought:Potato Salad.

 Ola Amigos!
Today has been full of posts. I am very happy about that.  I was going through some of the ideas in my blog book, when I came across this sentence which said "write about recipes". Bingo I thought. I love food. It would be lovely to share some of the recipes I have already tried.

Just for the record since this was pretty spur of the moment, I don't have any photos of the final product. Next time I'll plan it and share loads of photos. Pinky Promise.

Here's the recipe for a delicious potato salad.

  1. 3 potatoes of medium size
  2. 1 cup shredded carrots
  3. 1 cup shredded cucumber
  4. 1 bunch of spring onions
  5. 3 eggs boiled
  6. 6-7 mint leaves 
Cut the boiled potatoes into cubes,add carrots and cucumber. Cut the boiled eggs into bite size pieces. Add salt and pepper alongside the spring onion and mint leaves with it. Mix it with some mayonnaise.  Toss the salad. Serve it cold and with a big smile! xx


50th blogpost-

YAYAYAYA. Yeah that's pretty much it ;3 Haha :3

Spring Make-up: What's in what's out!

Winter is nearly over and spring is here again! xx

Time to jazz up our spring make-up looks. If you think that spring is all about the rosy cheeks and curly hair with nude make-up is in. Think again. It's all out. Well not all of it but the whole but the whole let's have light make-up on theme is long gone. 

So empty your make-up bags it's time to replace some things and bring bold back in the line.

Here are a few tips for spring make-up from the fashion week.

Orange Lipstick

Orange lipstick has made a comeback. Dondondooonnnn.
It made a massive comeback in this years fashion show where in companies like DKNY,Maybelline,Rag & Bones were all playing up the orange lipstick shade.
Trust me orange lip-color can be used on any skin tone. I would recommend the Maybelline Color Sensation Matte in the color Electric Orange 880 You can even look for the Mandarine shade which is the color 885. It's a great color by what I have read so far. Definitely going to hope into shops looking for it.

Here are some snaps:


 Blue eyeshadow

In the fashion show, Marc By Marc Jacobs models wore a stunning blue eye shadow on their crease and lids. We all know that in 2012/2013 the solid pink eyes did not work but after a while they did make a great impact.
So this year blue is replacing the pink. It's safe to say that blue is the new pink in this case.

If you are going to try the blue look, you might look for Shiseido Eye Color Bar Compact and the Shiseido Shimmering Cream Eye Color in Ice. It will not disappoint you. If you do not want to buy high end products just ask the drug store to give you ice blue and shimmering blue in the companies you purchase often.

Gold Eyes.

As weird as it sounds, yes gold eyes are in. For this I would highly recommend for you to check out Beauty Sensation Tanya Burr's video on her spring look, where in she shows you how to achieve the gold eyes without having to buy products. In her video she has created her all spring look. Don't forget recently Tanya Burr also released her own line of makeup products which you can buy online. 
Here is the link to her video

Here is where you can purchase her products.

 Cat Eyes.
The eye liner and flick are back this season. The perfect smokey eyes and smouldering effects are in this spring.
If you are new to eye liners then you should try the felt tip liner. Other than that to get this effect you do not need to buy high end products any liquid/felt eye liner is fine.

Purchase the Naked Basic Eye has your basic colors and you can create a lot of the basic effects aswell.

So this is it for my Spring MakeUp In post. 
Hope you had fun reading as I did writing this post. Loads of love.

PS-None of these photos are mine. They have been taken from the websites..just to make the post clear.
Sorry x