We are always looking to change ourselves. Not for people, but for our inner peace of mind. Now I have not really seen anyone do this challenge before let me tell you that. I sort of just thought that we all have dreams and goals so instead of procrastinating,let's just try to achieve all of them. Hence, the 100 day challenge was born. Dan dan daaaaan!!
Now starting tomorrow, that is 8th April 2014, 100 days will be over on 16th July 2014. During these 100 days, I'll be trying to change myself into a better human being and hopefully it will work out. It's so important that we recognize that there are things which we can do in such a better way. If you are reading this blog you should actually join me in too. It'll be heaps of fun hopefully ^^
Now when I say change I do not mean that you have something bad in you. Change over here particularly means that maybe a change in lifestyle, to not fuss over the past and just make our present and future much better. These 100 days are going to make my life more easier,because I know there are so many things I need to look after, my health,being a better daughter/sister/best friend, achieving my dreams and not surrounding myself with negative people.
Anyways here is the exciting bit of today's wallpost. I have finally finished editing the song cover and hopefully it will be up soon after Amanda and I decide whether we like it or not.
So let the 100 days begin*drum roll*
Love always,