Monday, 7 April 2014

100 Days Challenge!

We are always looking to change ourselves. Not for people, but for our inner peace of mind. Now I have not really seen anyone do this challenge before let me tell you that. I sort of just thought that we all have dreams and goals so instead of procrastinating,let's just try to achieve all of them. Hence, the 100 day challenge was born. Dan dan daaaaan!! 

Now starting tomorrow, that is 8th April 2014, 100 days will be over on 16th July 2014. During these 100 days, I'll be trying to change myself into a better human being and hopefully it will work out. It's so important that we recognize that there are things which we can do in such a better way. If you are reading this blog you should actually join me in too. It'll be heaps of fun hopefully ^^ 
Now when I say change I do not mean that you have something bad in you. Change over here particularly means that maybe a change in lifestyle, to not fuss over the past and just make our present and future much better. These 100 days are going to make my life more easier,because I know there are so many things I need to look after, my health,being a better daughter/sister/best friend, achieving my dreams and not surrounding myself with negative people.

Anyways here is the exciting bit of today's wallpost. I have finally finished editing the song cover and hopefully it will be up soon after Amanda and I decide whether we like it or not. 

So let the 100 days begin*drum roll*

Love always,

Sunday, 6 April 2014

March Playlist-A Little Late.

Here are my top  songs which were my complete favorites during the month of March. Feel free to share your playlist with me! x

Do You Want To Build A Snowman? :D


Rita Ora-I Will Never Let You Down

Burn-Ellie Goulding

 Calvin Harris ft Ellie Goudling-I Need Your Love

Shane Harper-Rocketship


I hope my playlist is sort of interesting :P I could actually go on and on but then we would need a lifetime :3 


Feeling Un-inpsired[Boo-hoo]-A Little Chat.

Hello everyone. 
So a few days back I had posted about how I would blog-post every single day, starting then. I feel like I just cheated you,if you read my blog. I am super sorry. When you are blogging, you really need to feel inspired and then only can you actually write a great blog-post. Let me just put the fact that I am seventeen and right now I am even stuck with studies. So my whole spring break is like wake-up and study study and give time for the family. That's why I put a blog-post about how I can only blog blog about beauty and other things after the 6th of June. Well right now I am in seriously looking for some inspiration. I do have a blog-post for you all after this one though ^^ 

It's my play-list for the month of March. It's kind off late but oh well. 

Just to make up for the time, I haven't been blogging I'll leave you a photo of me when I was 4. :3 

I can really never keep a straight face while taking a photo to be honest. I have gone through so many photo albums but nooo..not one photo where I have that perfect smile. I just make awkward faces to the camera or I am super duper hyper. Whooopss. That's not really a problem thanks to IG because now I can upload a very silly photo and #Use #Loads #Of #Hashtags #Whoops.

#With #Love #,

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Hello everyone. It's been a long time since I have actually blog-posted or checked any of my social websites. Exams are literally taking over my life and turning me into a zombie.
(Give me coffee or give me death I say!) I am finally on a proper spring break. All my extra classes are over and now I need to focus on my exams. How-ever that doesn't mean that I am abandoning my blog. Well for the next 11-12 days I'll be doing loads of postings. Anything related to beauty,life,cooking or anything. It's going to be on the blog. So brace yourselves my might minions (hahah that's pretty clever isn't it?) Periwinkle is back in action. 

Not only blogging but our youtube channel is under process too. Amanda and I have great covers for you people. 

Hopefully these 11 days will be great.
Loads of love,
Zarniish x

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


After months and months blogging about the whole exams are coming thing they are finally here. 
Now I am not excited about it. No. I just know that these exams are really important for me and my future uni life Insha'Allah ^^

Now my exams start from 16th of March and then end on 26th of March. I will have spring vacation and then the 2nd day after the spring break I'll have my mocks. Then there will be my IGCSEs. The list is so looonggg. So for the next few months all I have is exams, exams,exams. Looking at the plus point. Just to put it out there, I will have a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg summer break and that means you'll be getting loads and loads of blog-posts.

It's so sad that I have to quit so many of my favorite things for the exams. Of-course, during Spring Break I will try posting some few things because I have some very brilliant ideas :3 
Hope everything stays well at your end.

Zarniish x

Friday, 7 March 2014

Saturday Chats: Emotional Roller-coasters.

Hello everyone.This is basically the 8th time I am starting this post because I am not sure how to put this on a blog-post. No I am pregnant or planning to elope with my non existent boyfriend thank you very much. Usually I always try to blog about fashion and beauty as much as I can, but since the whole last week was a roller coaster ride. I had my IGCSE result for English coming and the whole week was just so frustrating. Thank God, I got them on Thursday and I secured a B. I am now a happy camper. All this stress made me realise that, we as human beings go through various emotions. How-ever there are a few emotions which break a person.

For example anxiety. Those who have anxiety (including myself) have to always be careful not to trigger panic attacks. I mean this week I found myself panicking and crying just for my result. This is just one subject and when she announced my result I had a fit of crying as-well. Who-ever suffers from anxiety would already be aware of the panic attacks and how we are hesitant to leave our houses to go out with friends. Due to that I miss on a lot of hang outs with my friends and it kind off makes me sad because these are suppose to be the years which I am suppose to make memories.I have finally decided not to let anxiety come and ruin my teenage life. Time to boot up.

You are insecure dunno what for. Yes that's a line from the One Direction song-What Makes You Beautiful. Every one has some or the other insecurities. Weight loss, being lonely, heart broken. But sometimes people go crazy with these insecurities. Like if you are thin you have to know that you are thin. Don't go around telling people you are fat. I mean that's really rubbish, because you never know maybe because of your insecurities you are hurting someone else who might not be figure conscious.

And people please, stop going around telling people whether they are fat or what. That's not nice that's stupid. Even as a joke. Trust me you don't need a photo of a celebrity with the quote written to tell you that.
That is pretty obvious.
Then we have bullying. If you are a bully, well you need to stop now. Bullying whether in school or cyber bullying is just wrong. It leads to self harm. Do you want to be the reason 
why some cuts himself/herself?

Of-course not. Imagine living with that guilt forever? That is not something anyone should have to go to.
I hope this post makes you do things differently from now.
Zarniish xx

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Food For Thought Friday: Chocolate Cake

Hello everyone. This week was full of tension because I was getting my English results but thank God it all worked out well.

We all get these random food cravings. Nachos, ice-cream,pizza and the mouth watering chocolate cake.
Here is a recipe for a delicious chocolate cake which we have been using forever.


6 oz self raising flour.
Pinch Salt
4oz butter
1tbsp golden syrup
Castor sugar to sprinkle
2 oz chocolate powder
2 eggs
4 oz sugar
Milk to mix-if necessary.


Grease and line a 7 inch cake tin. Sieve flour,chocolate powder and salt together. Beat the eggs well and cream the butter and sugar. Add eggs and dry ingredients alternately to the creamed mixture. After all flour is added, add the syrup and milk ( milk is to be added only if it is necessary to make your mixture to a soft spoon dropping consistency.
Put in the middle of a moderately hot oven (400 F or the number 6 in your gas burner) for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. To check if it is well done put a toothpick or skewer in the middle. If it comes out clean that means your cake is ready to go.

Cool the cake before pulling it out of the tin and then invite a couple of friends eat cake and let me know how it turned out to be xx

Zarnish xx